Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Second Company Organisation

The second company is formed as follows;

-Chief Librarian Solaris
-Master Of Sanctity Dazreth

Terminator Squad Ω
-Sergeant Varon
-Preffered Weapon: Assault Cannon

Terminator Squad Ω'
-Sergeant Heigle
-Preffered Weapon: Assault Cannon

Vanguard Veteran Squad Δ
Sergeant Agros

Vanguard Veteran Squad Ξ
-Sergeant Lanthar

Sternguard Veteran Squad Π
-Sergeant Antimon

Sternguard Veteran Squad Χ
-Sergeant Rhenus

Tactical Squad Σ
-Sergeant Magnor
-Preffered Weapon: Plasma Gun
-Preffered Weapon: Plasma Cannon

Tactical Squad Φ
-Sergeant Cartel
-Preffered Weapon: Missile Launcher
-Preffered Weapon: Flamer

Tactical Squad Λ
-Sergeant Pallad
-Preffered Weapon: Meltagun

Devastator Squad Ψ
-Sergeant Niobi
-Preffered Weapon: Plasma Cannon

Assault Squad Γ
-Sergeant Zirco
Preffered Weapon: Plasma Pistol

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shadow Hunters Squad Markings

Alongside the Greek symbology, the Shadow Hunters use a unique method of distinguishing squad types. For each different type of squad, a different portion of the armour is painted the companies colour. Images below show the convention governing it.

Tactical Marine

Assault Marine

Devastator Marine

Sternguard Veteran

Vanguard Veteran

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Battle For Durin V Piece and Pics

There have been no posts for a while because I am currently working on the humongous task which is the story of the battle of Durin V . It is still a while away but I have another preview and some pics of the models.

The Battle For Durin V

A huge beast was waiting for him, each of its four limbs was a huge talon. Its reptilian look was thrown off by the size of the beast, thick chitinous armour protecting every inch of its torso. Immediately a huge talon slammed into the wall near his skull. The thing must have been 10 feet tall, struggling to fit in the corridor. Solaris drew his swordstaff, ramming it into the creature’s chitinous chest, the blade sinking easily into the rock-hard material. The creature, a Carnifex, stared back into his eyes with a surreal intelligence and leapt backwards, tearing the blade from his grip, before scything forward with one of its talons. Solaris ducked the blow, as it slammed into the wall behind him with a resounding thud, and while in an alert state of awareness, leapt onto the beast’s shoulder. He drew a bolt pistol with his free hand. A quick succession of blasts followed, all detonating on the creatures armour. The attack did nothing but enrage the beast, which flailed wildly at Solaris, shaking its torso while lashing out with its tail almost lopping off its own head. Solaris hit the ground hard, the wind knocked from his lungs, but recovered quickly. He slid between the beast’s legs, firing more shells into its abdomen, failing to cause any lasting injury. It fulfilled its purpose however, the beast stepping backwards, revealing Solaris’s staff within arms length. He clamped his hand on it, before using it to channel a current of warp energy through Carnifex’s body. This over powered its mind, crushing any mental resistance and the Carnifex collapsed to the ground, limp.

Terminator Squad
Assault Squad