Friday, September 12, 2008

Army Progress

Recently I have purchased a lot of new miniatures for my army including an Terminator Chaplain and the Masters of the Chapter. I am still waiting for two Assault on Black Reach boxed sets however.

I have also torn apart my scouts and refit them for a tournament our local club is running. They are now all equipped with bolters (yes). some pictures are below of the paintwork in progress.
Terminator Chaplain
This chaplain - Chaplain Dazreth has some very interesting fluff behind it - a report will probably follow. After modifying the arm positions of the actual model I sprayed it black before colouring the alternate shoulder pads red gore and enchanted blue. I built up each of these colours with layers of blood red, balzing orange, sunburst yellow, regal blue and mordian blue. After they were done I drybrushed the rest of the model with codex grey before doing the winged skulls and crux terminatus white. The red purity seals followed in red gore and blood red.
The skull started as scorched brown before I drybrushed it bleached bone and skull white. Then I have the white areas a coat of skull white, brightening the effect. The eyes were done in four layers - red gore, blood red, blazing orange and a dot of skull white
Space Marine Scouts
The scouts after adding the bolters were sprayed black again. I coloured their armour segments enchanted blue before clumping regal blue on them to form a makeshift camo. Then I coloured the heads and fabric areas scorched brown before heavily drybrushing the fabric with bleached bone. I then went over the top of the drubrush with bleached bone, strengthening the colour. On second thoughts I should have done this first as I will have to go over the shoulder pads.
Anyway, more pics soon!