Friday, May 9, 2008

The Shadow Hunters

This is my first blog for this army and I will start by giving a brief history and overview of the major characters. Here goes nothing;

Ordo Malleus Report
Eyes Only

Shadow Hunters

A ghostly urban camouflage, blue with darker splotches. Different sections of armour, depending on unit type, are coloured white in the 1st company, and ancient Greek symbols are used to name squads

Composition: It follows the Adeptus Asteres to the word apart from a few small deviations. The command structure is not dissimilar to normal but librarians are held in high esteem. The 2nd company is coloured white rather than silver and contains several varieties of veteran squads, from standard ‘tactical’ marines to ‘assault’, ‘devastator’ and ‘close combat’ varieties. It also currenltly has no Captain and Librarian Solaris and Chaplain Dazreth are filling the blank. The only other real difference is that it is lacking a 2nd Tactical reserve company.

Traits: The shadow marines are a diligent chapter, as delicate as a knife, able to infiltrate enemy territory and then capture or destroy vital objectives. They value stealth and knowledge above all else, finding out as much about their enemy as they can before launching an assault. Because of this many of the chapters squads practice the bolter grip, the hard to master but effective wielding style. They also specialise in rapid assaults like with many other chapters.

History: The Shadow Hunters emerged in the inner region of the Ultima Segmentum only a small 500 years ago. Because of their style of battle it is rumoured they are third founding chapters of the raven guard, but attained gene-seeds suggest dark angels or ultramarines (The sample was corrupted, see attached sheet). They were called to aid by the ultramarines during hive fleets behemoth and kraken, and soon became effective xeno fighters. On the Shadow marine’s homeworld, the Imperial Guard also maintains a regiment, the Shadow guard, in honour of their space marine protectors. Their armours distinctive colours came from a decade long campaign, lead against the orks. They stained patches of the armour darker blue so they could be better concealed. This tradition has been upheld since in all but a few squads. An informative there has noted tau and Eldar diplomats have met with Causen (See attached sheets), the current chapter master. If this is confirmed the chapter will be declared excommunate traitors. Recently, their attention has turned to Abbadon’s latest crusade, and Solaris, the chapters chief Librarian (See attached sheet) alongside Dazreth, the master of sancticity (See attached sheet) have lead several assaults into the path of his invasion.

It is advised that the shadow hunters are kept under tight surveillance, in the near future because of their proximity to the chaos threat. A company of Daemonhunters will be detached to assist, but more importantly, observe them.

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