Saturday, August 8, 2009

Incursion and Drop Pod Pi

After a lot of homework and some painting I have more pictures for you to see. The first is Sterguard Veteran Squad Pi's Drop Pod, and the others are my 1000pt list for the Incursion tournament that our club is running in the near future.

Drop Pod Pi
I am very happy with the way that this drop pod has turned out, after being unsure of what bits I wanted what colour. The metal hinges are some of the only metalic bits in the army. All the hard edges on the wings are highlighted and at the bottom of each wing there is a small image or note. Hope you enjoy.

Incursion 1000pt List
Every single model on the table is completely finished but Librarian Alexio, who will be one of my next projects. It is a fairly hard hitting list, its strength in a maneuverable gunline, and Alexio, a highly capable assault warrior, who when supported by a squad, should take down most other assault based squads.

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