Saturday, September 12, 2009

Workings and Thoughts

I have done a lot towards the army since last time, Solaris is now almost completely finished painting, and Causen is now a completed miniature. I also have a complete ten man Terminator Assault Squad and the last five men in my Assault Squad ready to spray, as well as the ten Vanguard Veterans finished making and ten Vanguard Veterans with jump packs in the process of making.
Solaris Pt1 (Pt 1) is almost ready for posting, and will be within a few weeks. I have chosen to split it into two parts for a few reasons:
  1. It is a really convenient place to split the thing in two from.
  2. The piece is aready 13 pages, and I have only reached the second of four training challenges, not alone any of the five missions I will be showing.
  3. I am really sick of writing Daemon Hunters and am rearing to get into Pt 5 (Pt 1) (it will also be split into two because it will be really dramatic, and I need to finish this before I finish it.
  4. I dont like having to remember seven individual names and abillities for miniatures I don't have or play with.
  5. Now I am just ranting, but I'm sure you'd rather read it sooner than later
Dazreth will also be making a showing here very soon with a bit of backstory which is being developed unknown to everyone else right infront of their noses. He is going to be one nasty piece of work...

Anyway, there's the update and I am off.

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